Vintage Tiffin Carrier

Tiffin carrier like this are hot collectibles items among vintage collectors today. Some good condition and beautiful ones can fetch up to 500 Singapore dollars !!! When I heard that, I was really amazed about it and even saw that it is very beautifully hand painted. Tiffin carrier in Asian countries comes in many different paintings designs and colours. Besides the design, tiffin carrier is also made differently using various materials like aluminium, brass, enamel, stainless steel and even porcelain.

The common word used to describe these tiffin carrier is the Malay word "tingkat" which means storey. This is because there are many tiers (storey) on each tiffin carrier which best describe it. Some tiffin comes in many tiers and some even have just 2 tiers. The most commonly seen is 3 to 4 tiers.

Tiffin carrier are still in production these days and their largest producer is in Thailand by this famous company, Zebra brand. That company still produce tiffin carrier but it is only available in stainless steel. The enamel tiffin carrier could be still in production else where in the world and they are much harder to get. Not many people these days use enamel tiffin carrier as it get chipped off easily if you don't handle them with proper care.

These enamel tiffin carriers are also well known for it's rusty conditions too. My parents used to have those peranakan tiffin carrier until when it got rusty, my parents gave it a throw into the bin. It is very hard to restore these kind of enamelware when they get rusted as the only way to restore them is do powder coating under heat conditions.

The one shown above is a stainless steel tiffin carrier which is made in Thailand and it is roughly 40 years old. The height of this tiffin is 23 cm and 15 cm in diameter. One interesting part of this tingkat is that the handle is made from wood instead of metal and it was used by my grandmother when she goes out to buy food for the family.

Certainly, these beautiful treasures do brings back good memories for everyone !!!


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