Vintage Butane Lamp

According to my aunt, this butane lamp is often used at my grandmother's shop back in the 70s before long fluorescence tube were installed in various location in the shop. Another reason why my grandparents used this butane lamp, was because of convenience and also a spare light source in case of current breakdown. Besides the remaining lamp, there are also other remaining butane gas cylinder which are unused.

These butane lamp have a needle tube underneath the burner, which functions to poke a hole in the gas cylinder for butane gas to flow upwards. Once the gas cylinder has been poked, the entire gas cylinder must be used up to it's emptiness before you can safely remove it. Below shows the image of the type of butane gas tank use for this butane lamp.

Every single time you start a fire in the lamp, you must always replace the burn out wig inside the burner. Nowadays, those wig are very hard to be found as there are measurements to it, as different wig differs in diameter and length.

Due to safety concerns, butane lamp were uncommonly used because of it's high pressure cylinder tanks. Besides that, when butane burns, it emits carbon monoxide fumes which are bad for our health. Now this unit here is a display item in my vintage collection as it will no longer be in use anymore.


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