Vintage Ovaltine Jar

Vintage Ovaltine items are good starters for beginner vintage collectors. Even back in the past, people do enjoy collecting these Ovaltine items especially when it is given as a free item when you make a purchase of their products. When visiting musuem, I really do enjoy looking at the display of these collectibles from famous beverage brands like Nestle, Ovaltine and Coca Cola and ever dream of owning a collection like this

Just a few days ago, a friend of mine decided to give me this old school Ovaltine Jar as he is moving out from his old house. I felt blessed by this kind friend of mine who knew I enjoy keeping vintage items and decided to give away instead.

This piece here is extremely beautiful and it is worth displaying it. This milk jar is most likely to be from the early 80s where that brand is still quite popular back then before the famous chocolate malt drink, Milo began to grow and become more famous.

Today the brand Ovaltine is less popular in Singapore and Malaysia but slightly more common in Thailand (I am not sure about the rest of the other countries in Asia Pacific region).


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