The person behind this blog

Greetings to my fellow readers, for those who are new to my blogspot, I would be delight to give my warmest welcome to you.

I am Jonathan Yee, the young man who have been spending his time researching and sharing information regarding these vintage items listed here.

I am a passionate vintage collector who have been collecting vintage items at a young age of 15 years old. My hobby all started when I first learned the importance of maintaining a heritage back then in secondary school. What also supports me to collect vintage items is, I like the beautiful design of them as I can use those items to make a retro theme room. I started my hobby first with collecting stamps and coins. As the time past, I began to collect other items like vintage glass, enamelware and vinyl records.

I also took up challenges on repairing and restoring vintage items. One recent restoration work which I did was restoring a broken record player where it have problems with the phono cartridge and balancing of the tone arm. I search videos on YouTube and even ask my dad on how do I repair these electronics sets. Soon, I find parts online and made it working again and it was a sense of achievement for me to see this history came back alive again.


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