Winnie The Pooh CDs and a special message
Here is my collection of old CDs from the famous Winnie the Pooh cartoon series. I was really a crazy fan of Winnie the Pooh back in the past at the age of 5. I even drew and write my personal Winnie the Pooh stories too that time.
It was really fascinating watching Winnie the pooh and I could watch hours of the whole entire series in a day. Up to date, If I could remember correctly, I manage to watch through all the Winnie the Pooh shows and movies that were aired or showed during 2008 and before it.

It was really fascinating watching Winnie the pooh and I could watch hours of the whole entire series in a day. Up to date, If I could remember correctly, I manage to watch through all the Winnie the Pooh shows and movies that were aired or showed during 2008 and before it.
After that, I lost my interest in Winnie the Pooh shows as I began to study harder for my exams.
These CDs were bought by my mother at Holiday Plaza when I was a child. Mum, if you are reading this post, I want to say "Thank You" for loving your son very much !!! Many love to you my mum =) <3
These CDs were bought by my mother at Holiday Plaza when I was a child. Mum, if you are reading this post, I want to say "Thank You" for loving your son very much !!! Many love to you my mum =) <3
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