Vintage Postcard Collection

In the past, we used to buy these postcards as a common souvenir for our friends or relatives when we visit a tourism place or travel overseas. Before handphone came into action where Instagram and Whatsapp messages were commonly sent like in today's world, the older kids will send these cards out to inform their friends about the place they visited. Most of the time, kids in the past will eventually buy the stamp and mail it out from the country itself which they bought the postcard from.

I remember back in the days, where friends will usually write postcards to you especially those friends who study in overseas or during season holidays like Chinese New Year or Christmas. It is very common, to receive these postcards back in the past if you are a kid born during the 90s or earlier than that. Both of my parents shared with me that they sill keep their old postcards which their friend sent to them as it brings back joyful memories back to them.

These postcards in my collection here are mostly from as early as the late 90s to 2008, where during that era, sending postcards were still common. Ever since the launch of the smartphone in the late 2000s, the sales and people buying postcards have dropped rapidly. Nowadays, you won't find people selling postcards anymore and if you find some of them, it is rare to come by.

Now, I want to bring back the trends of postcards by writing on them and passing it to my friends as farewell cards. To make things more creative, I decided to stick a stamp on the card itself and also write down the full details of the person under the section "to".


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