Fully Restored Charcoal Iron

In my old post, I blog about restoring my vintage charcoal iron and now here it is. You can find the post in this link https://jonhobbycollection.blogspot.com/2019/09/charcoal-iron-restoration.html. Now, everything looks as good as new.

Here is a very rare piece charcoal iron

But there are still some parts which I cannot polish them due to pitting of the brass and the presence of some impurities inside this brass material. The brass material do contains a very small quantity of impurities such as iron that causes the brass to be dented and causing some small holes.

Here is a bottom part of the charcoal iron

Below are some photos taken during the restoration process. The first picture shows that I went into a workshop to get rid away of the rusted iron bar which is sitting on the back of the body of the charcoal iron which act as a hinge for the opening and closing of the iron. I manage to find a copper rode which can fit into the hole nicely and this can act as a new hinge. At the workshop also, I manage to find a copper metal hook which can also be used to replace the broken hook of this charcoal iron. My dad help me heat the hook to soften it and bent into a shape that can fit into the pointing up hole.

The wood handle also is restored by screwing in copper long screws into the hole of the wood. Some of the wood parts is glued with wood saw dust which helps to strengthen the upper arm.

Overall, It didn't take a long time to restore this charcoal iron. This is because most of this restoration work are done during the weekends and only when there are free time available. The longest process of restoring this charcoal iron is the polishing part of the iron. That skill requires a lot of patience and also a lot of energy to rub the body of the iron.

To sum up everything, I am very satisfied about this restoration work. I want to Thank my dad for this effort in teaching me how to restore this iron and also another big Thank you to the workshop owner for providing this materials and tools at no charge.


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