Vintage food cupboard

Here is one awesome old school food storage cupboard which my grandparents used in the past 30 years. According to my mum, there was another one of these food storage cupboard but it is a much older than this. She recall that my grandpa threw it away before she bought this cupboard. That older cupboard was in bad condition and maybe some termites could have ate some parts of the wood.

Food cupboard like this are built to keep files or other insects from landing or infesting on the food. These wire mesh place on the cupboard doors enable exchange of air in the cupboard and also prevent other insects from coming in. Normally these wire mesh is also covered with another thin cloth which act as a secondary protection and that cloth also helps to prevent dust from entering the cabinet.

Another method of protecting the food is the rattan tray that cloth covered. Unfortunately, I don't have the picture of it, because my grandma didn't keep one of them. These rattan food cover do get spoil very easily and only can last a few times. This was due to the steam from the hot food which condense on the rattan that causes the rattan to become softer and eventually breaks off. Second reason, why the rattan food cover wasn't commonly used was because of safety hazards as rattan tends to break easily which causes some part of the rattan to fall into the food. Therefore, with a new innovation of plastic covers, things began to change for the better. Plastic material can withstand the condensation of the steam and also it is light in weight. With that new innovation, vintage food storing cupboard began to die off and now it is extinct in today's world.

Currently, that cupboard is only used for storing of plates, pots and pans. This cupboard also comes with long stand for foot dishes to be placed underneath the stand. The food dishes is function to create a mini reservoir that prevents ants from climbing up the cupboard. Each shelf can support up to 20 kilograms in weight. It will soon have to go away in no time longer than 2 weeks from now. The cupboard needs to be given away as fast as possible


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