Vintage Gas regulator

As a vintage hardware collector, I do come across various vintage households hardware and most of them are cooking gas related. Today's sharing is about this vintage gas regulator which were commonly seen using in the 80s. It looks the same as the ones which you are currently using it now but it is actually different. The differences lies between the dimension of the tube fitting. These gas regulators are not centralized in terms of their fittings and the tube for it comes in various dimensions.

Vintage shell gas regulator

In the past, people would buy these regulators which are matching to the brand of the gas which they are using. This is because each gas regulator fitting head on the gas cylinder is different. The one you see in the picture below is Kosan gas regulator and it is commonly use for old Mobil gas cylinders. That regulator can also be use for small vintage gas cylinder which I blog about too and you may check the post here,

Here is an old vintage gas regulator which were used in the 80s

For the installation of these gas regulator, you will need to pull the rubber thing underneath the regulator to open the ledge for the rubber hose to go in. Whereas, modern gas regulator uses screw based system which are much more efficient.

The fitting of an old Kosan gas regulator

So far, I also collected other gas regulator brands too like Shell brand.

Here is an old vintage gas regulator


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