Vintage tap

Vintage Tap from the 60s

I am not a junk collector but this vintage tap looks super unique to me and that is why I collected it. When I took it, I noticed that this tap couldn't really close well as there were quite a lot of wear and tare in the inside. The tap is dirty in the inside as you can see a layer of rust in the picture at the bottom.

Vintage tap from the 60s

This tap could possibly be from the 60s to the 70s. The measurement of the tread line of this tap is using British standard where the units are present in inches.

Vintage tap from the 60s

To open this tap, you need to turn anticlockwise whereas to close it, you need to turn clockwise. The original colour of the knob of the tap is actually red in colour, but the colour has faded over the years. This is actually a high collectable item for vintage collectors but you will need to find a good use for it. Maybe you can use it as a display item ?? The creativity goes to you.


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