Vintage Kopitam table

The term "Kopitam" is a mixture of Malay and Teochew words as the word "kopi" means coffee in Malay and the word "tam" means shop in Teochew dialect. This kopitam marble surface table have been the oldest furniture that my grandmother has kept. According to my mother, it was bought during the late 40s when my great grandparents decided to start their first business which is selling charcoal back then. The table is still in great and beautiful condition. I really admire the beautiful crafted wooden legs of this table.

Here is an old vintage Kopitam Table from the 50s

The table was brought back from the shop back in the early 2000s. Now it is being placed at the display corner of the living room. You can still see this kind of marble surface table in older coffeeshops and some in retro cafes. One place, surely you can still see this piece alive is at Kopitam hawker centre at Tiong Bahru shopping mall.

Here is a vintage marble table from the 50s

There are many replicas of these kopitam marble tables out there, Many are beautiful crafted and you won't be able to tell the difference between them. Therefore, if you want to buy any of them, it would be good if you can ask the seller whether it is original vintage before considering it.

After thinking of what to talk about this table, my energy went low and decided to get myself some coffee in my vintage coffee cup. Signing off from here :) :) :)


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