Traditional Mortar and Pestle

Here is a vintage Indian granite mortar and pestle which is almost 50 years old. The shape on the Indian pestle is flat headed at the top whereas for the Chinese design is fat rounded pestle.

After a long time of grinding the herbs or chilies, the surface of the pestle will be ended up smooth and this will happen also to the inner surface bowl of the mortar. The height of this mortar is 14 cm and had a depth of 10 cm with an outer diameter of 22 cm.

These days, granite pounder are rarely to be found as these days granite material had become expensive. Not only the material became expensive but the workmanship in order to craft and shape these mortar and pestle are pricey too.

Therefore, the most common material use now to make these are cement and it isn't strong unlike granite. Those days granite are known for its solidity and if you accidentally drop these mortar and pestle, you could easily break the marble flooring of your house.


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