Vintage Sanyo wall fan

Wall fans are less popular in most parts of the world because the air circulation speed is much lesser as compared to ceiling fans. Here is one Sanyo wall fan. This is an early 1980s piece which was built 100% in Japan. The beautiful pink colour of this fan blade had been worn out due to long exposure to the sun. In fact, this was the original fan blade and it has not changed once it was bought. There is also a spare fan blade for this which my grandfather kept it.

This wall fan is facing the evening west sun and this there are a lot of colour wearing out and also small broken parts. As you can see clearly, there is a broken part on the plastic front cage. This fan is also missing its other pull switch rope which function to trigger the fan to oscillate from right to left. The numbering on the fan speed scale have also been worned out too.

It is quite a bit costly to repair these kind of fans these days because there is no more spare parts already. Especially the fan blade which were built specially for that model. I am selling this piece here for 20 Singapore dollars and it also comes with one more spare blade.


  1. How to disconnect that Sanyo wall fan to buy from your fan?

    1. I can do the disconnection work, are you in Singapore based ??


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