Rare and good vintage rattan drying tray

This piece is an extremely rare piece to get these days especially in this set of condition and also if you ever overcome with such a huge drying tray like this. Not many people or collectors are willing to keep these kind of rattan things especially bulky and huge ones. Rattan is known to break easily when you don't store them well or used it for many times. With measurements of 64.8 cm in diameter, this piece here is really a huge piece which is normally used for drying of spices in a larger and bigger scale.

Used mostly in the 70s and 60s in Asian countries

Although the light brown colour of the rattan have turned darker in colour, the condition of this rattan still remains high quality. Long exposure in the sun, will cause the rattan to change it's colour from light brown to dark brown. The quality of rattan used for this piece here is also excellent. According to my dad who always help my grandmother to dry herbs in the past said that to make a strong rattan, the rattan is needed to be soaked in a syrup solution for at least 7 months to harden it.

This rattan tray here is for sale. Grab yours now!!

This piece here is easily more than 40 years old or maybe older than it. Due to the transformation of technology, rattan tray like this have been vanished from the markets and now it remains as a history item. Currently selling this for 40 Singapore dollars email me if you are interested or find my item on Carousell here.


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