Selling some of my collections

Collectors do buy and sell their items same goes with me. Due to too many collections that I have collected over the years, I intend to let go some of them because of space constrains and I want to make way for more collection items. Most of my collection items are passed down to me from my families. Besides that, I do have their permission to sell of the items

The items that I be selling will be posted in the " For sale "  label on the left slide bar. The price you see are in SGD (Singapore dollars). The picture of the items will be the same on my Carousell listing. The description of the item will be more detailed in the blog post as compare to the ones on Carousell page because I don't want to write too much on my listing on Carousell.

My carousell page, where I sell all my vintage collectibles

Do feel free to visit my Carousell page at this link


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