
Not long ago, I was clearing my grandparent’s old shop and I came across a very beautiful collection
of enamelware, which came in different in types and colours. Those collections came in pots, tiffin
carrier, plates and mugs.

There are many different types of enamelware

Most of the collections are from Camel brand, Peacock brand, butterfly brand and the most commonly found is, Bumper harvest brand. Bumper harvest brand have been around since the 60s. Whereas the other brands have been around since the 30s and the 40s.

Blue colour enamel pot
Camel brand 

Vintage enamelware
Bumper harvest brand

Peacock brand from the 50's
Peacock brand

These enamelware are painted with lead based paint and the designs are carefully hand painted.
Therefore, it was very common to find uneven painted spots or glaze on the surface of the

Good news, vintage trends are coming back alive again !!!!!

It is very quite common to see vintage enamelware being used in hipster cafe and restaurants
across Singapore and Malaysia. There are still people out there who are still using these
enamelware in their homes too. I remember when I was a kid, I grew up eating and drinking from
those enamelware.


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