Vintage large enamel tray

These enamel tray reminds me about the time when my grandmother used to make kueh for the whole family to eat when I was a small boy.

Until today this is my favourite kueh and it can be found in towns like Senai and Kulai, Johor, Malaysia. I will not forget those epic moments where I spam the entire chill sauce on just one kueh, because chilli is a perfect match for this mouth-watering kueh. The name for this kueh is called "Soon Kueh"

Back to this enamel tray, it is made in Japan under Tiger brand and it is 50 cm in diameter. 

Enamel trays that are made in Japan are very rare because in the 50s and 60s, many older folks are not very acceptable to Japanese items due to Japan invasion back in world war 2. These trays are also known as a drying tray too. 

I can recall that my grandmother would dry curry powder infront of the hall and the smell of the curry powder is so strong for me and I didn't like the smell. I would hold my breath and walk or run away from the enamel tray filled with curry powder during my childhood. 


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