OCBC Mighty Savers Coin Bank

Here is a common OCBC coin bank given out for those who applied for saving accounts under kids. If I am not wrong, this coin box give away lasted for very long (Maybe 3 years??). I started seeing kids using this coin bank around 2012 to 2014.

It features the characters of Mighty Savers during the OCBC bank advertisement back then on the TV channel, OKTO in 2010. The cute design of this coin bank lure the interest of the young children to save their extra pocket money. 

You are also able to retrieve money from the opening located underneath the coin bank.

Based on my measurement, it is about 14 cm by 7.5 cm and 14.5 cm (Length X Width X Height). Overall, this piece here can be a good display item on shelves or can be use to store extra savings. 

I keeping this coin bank for my children in the future.  


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