Postcard from schools in Singapore

The first card is from San Yu Adventist School dated back in 2001. It is quite common back in the past for school to give their school theme postcards to students. I bet some boys would use this card as a love message and act like a name card to pass to their crushes they like. Most of school theme postcards are commonly use as love letters in the past.

Singapore School Postcard

Here is the back image of this card, where it shows the school details and phone number.

School Postcard

Here is another card from Nanyang Girls High School back in the year 2008. 

I know that the front picture looks a bit scary for some of you, but there is a meaning behind it. The theme for this card is mixed media and the details of the message can be found behind of the card.

Nanyang Junior College Postcard

Another card in my collection is also from Nanyang Junior College and the theme for this card is oil on canvas. This card is very well drawn and I like the design very much.

Nanyang Junior College Postcard

The meaning of the theme used can be found again at the back of the card with clear explanation. 


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