Vintage Compaq computer monitor

For computer users, I bet that some of you may grew up using computer monitor that looks exactly like this. I was one of them who use this kind of old monitor before for gaming. I always remember the brightness of this monitor is super killing bright and that you have to rest your eyes are using it for quite some time.

This monitor is made in 1997 in China for Compaq Malaysia. Besides the monitor, Compaq computer accessories are quite troublesome as you may need a driver to install their software. Mostly Compaq devices in the past are only compatible with their own brand items.

This monitor is surprising still in good working condition despite the yellowish aging stains. Cathode ray monitor are known to consumer a lot of electricity unlike LCD and LED ones. This monitor is about 6.7 Kilograms in weight.

This Compaq monitor is able to support Window 7 computer without any problems so far, but I have tested on Windows 10 yet. If you are a retro computer gamer, this item is highly recommended for you to collect them.


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